
• Eurovision Choir of the Year

Since 2017 Nicol Matt is the Artistic Director of the new television format „Eurovision Choir of the Year”, an international TV-competition for the best amateur choirs all over Europe. The Show will be broadcasted live on the 22nd of July in 9 European countries on television. Organized by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) in cooperation with externer Link INTERKULTUR.

Further information: externer Link


• CD | Releases

Cover - Mantra meets Classic

Mantra meets Classic
Chamber Choir of Europe, Nicol Matt

externer Link Buy now on Amazon


• Movies on

externer Link Echo 2016 Homage Chor David Bowie Space Oddity
Performance during the Echo-Music-Award television show, 2016 ARD (Germany)

externer Link Mantra meets Classic - Shanmuga Kavacham & other Mantras
Documentary about the new CD “Mantra meets Classic”

externer Link The Heart of Singing and Conducting
by Michael Stillwater

• Concert | Reviews

Master Directors Set The Pace
Chamber Choir of Europe – outstanding concert in historical church of Schwäbisch Gmünd

A vocal ensemble of the highest caliber, an extraordinary program and highly motivated participants at this years’ European Church Music Master Class 'Directing choirs' – All the prerequisites for a truly extraordinary concert in the Franziskuskirche were in place.  more 

Klaus Eilhoff had a highly inspiring conversation with the 41-year-old Nicol Matt, which centered on the master class itself, its methodology, the learning success and finally the compiled and presented works, i.e. the American contribution to contemporary choral music.  more 

• CD | Recommendation

American Choir Music

American Choir Music

Concerning this CD, first of all the subject itself is praiseworthy as American choral music in this arrangement is until today rarely present on recording material. Secondly the quality of both the choir respectively the choirmaster Nicol Matt who has been the conductor since 2001, is also laudable [...]
Von Matthias Keller | externer Link  Bayern 4 Klassik - CD-Tipps

• CD | Awards

2012 Contemporary A Cappella Recording Award
Best Classical Song

"Der är en Ros Utsprungen"
on: Weihnachtliche Chormusik - Unto Us a Child is Born
Info: CASA - The Contemporary A Cappella Society

Logo Diapason d'0r

Diapason d'or
for "J. S. Bach: Motets BWV 225-230" (June 2011)


• CD | Releases

Cover - Unto us a Child is Born

Weihnachtliche Chormusik - Unto us a Child is Born
amadeus-chor, Nicol Matt


Cover - Bach: Motets

J. S. Bach: Motets BWV 225-230
Chamber Choir of Europe, European Chamber Soloists, Nicol Matt